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Roof Construction
Tiling a Roof
Roof Repair & Maintenance
in McKinney, Wichita Falls, and Lubbock, TX

The weather in North Texas can take a toll on your home's roof, as can general aging and wear and tear. No matter what sort of roofing your home currently has you can rely on the experts at Trifecta Roofing and Construction to complete quality repairs at affordable prices should they be deemed necessary. From minor roof patching to complete roof tear-offs and re-roofs, we can do whatever is necessary to ensure that your roof can continue to do the job it is designed to do. Whether you suspect roof damage or believe it is time for a complete re-roof call Trifecta Roofing to request a free quote for roof repair in McKinney or the neighboring towns.

Free Roofing Inspection - No Obligation Quote


When you contact Trifecta Roofing and Construction we would be happy to schedule you a free roofing inspection that includes a no obligation quote if any repairs or other services are deemed necessary. We promise to provide you with an honest opinion about your home's needs as we'd never try to sell you an unnecessary service! It is part of our mission to ensure that our customers are fully informed about the current condition of their roof before they sign up for repairs or re-roofing. However, it is important to remember that a healthy roof outside is necessary for a healthy home inside.



Many types of roofing have an average lifespan. While some roofs will last quite a bit longer than others, there is a good chance that at some point the roof on your home will need to be replaced. We complete re-roofing in North Texas for all types of roofing, including shingle, tile, shake and others. If you'd like to find out if your home could benefit from a re-roof don't hesitate to give our team a call.

Fixing the Roof

Leak Detection & Repair

Have you noticed wet spots on your ceiling? Is mold growing in your attic? Perhaps you even spotted a physical drip from your ceiling? If you believe your home has a roof leak it is imperative that you call Trifecta Roofing and Construction as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the worse the leak will become, which can result in a need for major interior repairs, as well as roofing services. We excel at roof leak detection and repair for all roofing types!

Fixing the Roof

Roof Maintenance

It is crucial that you conduct regular maintenance for your home's roof and gutter system. A roof that is not draining properly could result in a roof leak or overflowing gutters. Each of these can lead to interior damage, roof deck damage or even a cracked foundation should the issue go undetected for some time, as overflowing gutters can cause water to pool at the base of your home. Call Trifecta Roofing to learn more about our services regarding roof maintenance in McKinney or the neighboring North Texas communities.

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